Personal Protection
Deterrent dog
Personal protection dogs are trained at different levels. The purpose of a deterrent dog is to show aggressive behavior (snarl, bark, lunge) when commanded. These dogs are trained to not be intimidated or distracted no matter what the circumstances including weapons or yelling. A deterrent dog is specifically trained for visual protection, not for physically fighting the aggressor. This type of protection K9 is trained and performs duties on-leash.
A defense dog has the same training and behavior as a deterrent K9, and can also physically fight with an aggressor when challenged using the force of their jaw and entire set of teeth to bite the aggressor. Defense dogs are trained to not back down, and to keep fighting if the aggressor continues or tries to escape. This type of protection K9 is trained and performs duties on-leash.
An offense dog is the highest level of personal protection dog. Unlike a deterrent and defense dog, the offense dog is able to be off-leash to chase and capture a fleeing person. This powerful dog is able to knock down a large adult male using the force of its body. The offense dog has the same trained behaviors as a deterrent and defense dog, but can also perform duties with a muzzle on.
Understand Attackers Motives & Tactics
Home invasions are on the rise around the country. By understanding how attackers choose their target, you can reduce the chance of becoming a victim. All organized and planned attacks follow the same general threat process:
Objective of assailant.
Develop list of potential victims that meet the objective.
Intelligence and surveillance.
Target selection.
Attack preparation and rehearsals.
Integritas provides highly-specialized and professionally trained K9s to protect you, your family, and your company from attackers. If you are interested in learning more about personal protection K9s, or hiring a trained K9 please contact the Integritas team here.